Protecting my wordpress folders

WordPress by default doesn’t protect its wp-includes and wp-content folders. While WordPress doesn’t do stupid things in most of these files, they still don’t do a simple defined check to ensure we came from an a privileged file. SMF does this and it prevents direct loading of any of the Source files. To get around …

Simple secure login for wordpress

This is a simple way to setup a secure login for WordPress.  Simply editing “wp-login.php” and looking for: /** Make sure that the WordPress bootstrap has run before continuing. */ require( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-load.php’ ); Add after that: force_ssl_admin(true); Now when accessing login and registration pages, the browser redirects to the secure version. Edit, After …

Hello /dev/null

When I started my site, I knew that I would rarely see visitors.  It is more of a personal test site then it is for anything else.  I recently decided to get rid of my own site and get a blog.  Mostly because my site isn’t really for communication amongst many individuals, rather that its …

Setting up SVN

I wanted to setup SVN on my server.  Why you ask?  Well just because I can really.  The most important reason is to get my mods and other files into a repository that would also act as a backup.  I set it up on my site as I never saw the point in keeping on …